My name is IAN JOSEPHS . Social services have never hurt
me,my family,or my friends,but their wicked abuse of power has simply shocked
me into action ! I try to help parents who are desperately trying to recover or
at least make contact either with their children or worse still with
"newborn babies" snatched by
social services from mothers that have never caused them harm.Those social
workers who snatch, and those lawyers,judges,and"experts" who combine
to help them should ALL be sent to prison for a long time ! I will explain and
justify this later on.Meanwhile,reading through websites can be tedious,so
before I tell you more about myself and the "SS", and just in case
you get bored reading this I'll begin with essential advice for those who are
already suffering............
NEVER,NEVER,cringe and obey social workers who are hostile
or disrespectful, no matter how many threats they make to "take your
children" or "cut off your contact".Threats that in effect
amount to moral blackmail should always be ignored with contempt. Always
apologise very politely but never never obey !!........Their threats are bluff
as even if you do everything they say, they will long before then have made up
their minds to take your children and/or cut your contact anyway. So if you do
obey them, they will after thanking you for making their task so easy,
graciously let you "wave goodbye" to your precious children! BEWARE
and REFUSE if they decide to make an unannounced "home visit" or
worse still ask you to take your children to the hospital for a
"checkup" on a Friday afternoon ! In the latter case they will keep
you waiting until 5 or 6pm and then snatch your children when it is too late
for you to get legal help or advice before Monday !They have no legal power
only the courts have that, so if they dare to threaten you instead of helping
you,NEVER give in to their outrageous blackmail,and NEVER, obey ANY of the
loathsome creatures who dare to behave as described above !
Some critics of the "SS" in an attempt to seem
reasonable and moderate claim that "there are many excellent social
workers but also there are a minority who do not behave as they
should".This to put it politely is a" mealy mouthed understatement of
staggering timidity" ! Any worthwhile and sincerely motivated social
workers who join the "child protection service" do not stay long once
they see what goes on .Once they realise what they have to do they RESIGN
!!That is why the "SS"are contantly advertising for new
recruits.Nearly all of those who still remain "in the service" taking
babies from sane mothers who have never caused those babies to suffer any harm
are quite simply "SCUM "!
If the worst happens and your children are snatched by force
try and ruin the SS adoption plans ! Make sure your children cling on to you
until the SS rip them away by force !
Shout and cry that wicked people are stealing them .Cuddle those poor
children telling them that "mummy loves them" and will try to get
them back ! Any children aged 4 or more will remember this for the rest of their lives and will not
believe the SS who will later tell them that "their mummy does not want
them "and soon they will have a new "forever Mummy and Daddy!
"It is worth upsetting your beloved children briefly to make sure that
always in the future they will remember you loved them and wanted to keep them
from the "child stealers !"
contact with your young children,just read the paragraphs below !! Send them
your phone number buried in the middle of a cd rom (disc),written on a
doll,written in invisible ink on a seemingly innocent postcard,or simply
whispered in their ears at a suitable moment.
Alternatively if your name is Jane for example,register an
easy email address (eg) mumjane@aol.com
Any child old enough to send an email will then be able to contact you
no matter where you are or where they are!
If on the other hand your baby or toddler is being snatched
insist on breastfeeding a baby as this gives you extra contact.
Citation: BLD 160403280; [2003] EWHC 850 (Admin).
Hearing Date: 15 April 2003
Court: Administrative Court.
Judge: Munby J.
"Per curiam. If the state, in the guise of a local
authority, seeks to remove a baby from his parents at a time when its case
against the parents has not yet even been established, then the very least the
state can do is to make generous arrangements for contact, those arrangements
being driven by the needs of the family and not stunted by lack of resources.
Typically, if this is what the parents want, one will be looking to contact
most days of the week and for lengthy periods. Local authorities also had to be
sensitive to the wishes of a mother who wants to breast-feed, and should make
suitable arrangements to enable her to do so, and not merely to bottle-feed
expressed breast milk. Nothing less would meet the imperative demands of the
European Convention on Human Rights."...
Published Date
This case establishes the right of the mother to
breastfeed,and is often ignored both by SS and judges!
Fight for parents,grandparents,aunts,uncles,and cousins all
to have contact under the Human Rights
Act. (see section "get your children back")
Children of all ages even those as young as 6 or 7 years old
for example ,can go to any public phone box and call parents reverse charges if
they are quietly told how to do this,explained as follows:-
Dial 100 from any private phone or public call box and you
will be offered 4 options(choices) Choose option4 which asks if you want to
speak to an operator.You then ask the operator for a call reversing the
charges. The operator will then ask you for your name and the number you are
calling.(this must be to a fixed line not a mobile)Your mother or father will
then say ok they accept the call and no money is needed from you, the child who
is calling! If your children are still with you or at least in contact get them
to practice telephoning you reverse charge so that if the worst does happen and
they are removed then contact is NEVER lost !! Remember also that if no court
order forbids you expressly and specifically from contacting the children there
is nothing to stop you seeing them when they come out of school (even nursery
Remember that all children "in care" have
"personal education plans"that the SS are supposed to share with
you.Ask the local education authorities(NOT the SS !) for a copy of these plans
and ask also to be put on their mailing list so you can continue to follow your children's progress even after they
have been snatched ! If you are not sure how to do this,call Pauline,a mother
who knows how to "play the system" on 01514756007
Guidance for Completion
Social Workers will have the responsibility for initiating
the planning process and integrating it with the Care Plan
Designated teachers must ensure that each child in Public
Care has a PEP and will have responsibility for completing and monitoring it
Completing the PEP (SCS81) – before the meeting
Sections 1, 2, 3 and 4 will be completed by the Social
The Plan should then be sent to the designated teacher and a
time and venue agreed for an initial meeting
Whom to invite – the Social Worker should normally invite
the foster carer or residential keyworker and parents, unless there are
significant reasons why one or other parent should not attend, following the
same guidance and rationale for LAC reviews.
In exceptional circumstances other interested adults could be invited,
but care should be taken to keep the number of adults to a minimum.
The designated teacher will then select the most appropriate
member of staff to complete the Plan and attend the meeting.
Prior to the meeting, consideration should be given to the
young person’s strengths, achievements and ambitions. The young person’s views are central to this section and they
should be given support to express them.
Prior to the meeting, consideration should also be given to
the young person’s priority educational needs/actions, which should be specific
and time-related. The PEP should make
connections with, but not duplicate, other plans. Where specific targets have been identified in pre-existing
plans, these can be incorporated into the PEP.
Completing the PEP – detailed notes
Section 5
This can be completed before the meeting, by the designated teacher
If you know the school, you know how to contact your
children when they come out ! If "ss" have already cut your contact,
you can STILL meet your children when they come out from school unless a court
order or injunction expressly forbids you to doso ;in which case send a
relative or friend !
Above all do not lose heart if the "SS"decide to
snatch your babies or your children.Because it is so important,let me repeat
what I said earlier! Social Workers are NOT police! They have no authority to
give you orders and most of their threats are PURE BLUFF !! Disregard their
threats to "take your children",or if they already have them ,to
"stop contact" if you do not obey their orders.If they have reached
the stage of threatening you THEY HAVE ALREADY MADE UP THEIR MINDS.If you obey
them it will just make their task easier. They will break their word and take
your children ,or stop your contact
later even if you have "cooperated" by doing everything they
ask! They will then just regard you with contempt as a "pushover" and
you will lose your children for good !You have no need to obey these petty
tyrants unless they have a court order!Nevertheless, I beg you ,please do not
let arrogant social workers provoke you into anger or violence so they can
later claim you were "unstable". Do however continually remind them
that their duty is to help keep families together not split them up. Politely
insist that they always treat you with respect and dignity and that they do NOT
make angry threats !.Do not get angry with them,show instead that YOU control
the situation by making sure they "lose their cool" and get angry
with you !Quietly oppose them them in your home,fight them hard in the courts
and never never give up ! Believe me, in the end you CAN WIN !!
"CARE" !
Sunday Mail August 27 2006 - Care home girl abused by 25 men
in 2 years - A 14-year-old girl placed in a council children's home was
prostituted to a group of depraved middle-aged men because staff were powerless
to stop her going out. The horrific story of 'Becky' is highlighted in a BBC
programme presented by Fiona Bruce this week which reveals how she was sexually
abused by 25 men over two years - despite being known to social services and
having been placed on the Child Protection Register.
Source: Daily Mail
Published: 27th August 2006
"Even when she
was put in a children's home - six months after her earliest allegations of
abuse -staff allowed her to be used as a prostitute for fear their intervention
might infringe her human rights."
Social Services do NOT have the power they pretend to have
over you and your children ! They rely almost entirely on threats and on BLUFF
!! If they admit they have no power to stop a 14 year old in their care from
working as a prostitute for 2 years,they certainly cannot stop children in care
from phoning their parents, meeting them,or visiting them for a meal as long as
they return to the fosterers or care home afterwards!
Do not be bluffed by social workers or even your own useless
solicitors! If they tell you are not allowed by law to show your documents to
anybody else tell them they are years out of date!Section 62 ,para 251, of the
children Act 2004 allows you to show your documents and discuss your case in
detail including names with as many individuals as you like! You are however
still forbidden to reveal to the press,the public or sections of the public any
information that might help identify the children concerned.Tell family
,friends,advisers, and any other individuals anything you like no matter what
bossy social workers and expensive lawyers might tell you !!
Section 62: Publication of material relating to legal
The Children Act 2004 para 251. Section 62(1) amends section 97 of the Children Act 1989 to
make clear that the publication of material from family proceedings which is
intended, or likely, to identify any child as being involved in such
proceedings (or the address or school of such a child) is only prohibited in relation
to publication of information to the public or any section of the public. This
section will make the effect of section 97 less prohibitive by allowing
disclosure of such information in certain circumstances. In effect, this means
that passing on information identifying, or likely to identify, a child (his
school or his address) as being involved in court proceedings to an individual
or a number of individuals would not generally be a criminal offence .
Legal aid lawyers are for good reason known in the trade as
"professional losers". Most of them collect a hefty fee for advising
you not to resist social services,but to go along with all they say! Often they
tell you there is no need for you to go to court at all, and if you do go they
refuse to let you speak whilst they agree to surrender to the care orders
and/or adoption placements demanded by the "SS"! So my advice is,
REPRESENT YOURSELF !! At least then you will be able to put your own point of
view to the court and will be able to ask awkward questions of social workers
and their so called "experts".
Several single mothers I have advised had lawyers who lost
every case for them but when later they represented themselves they WON !! Some
of them are quite willing to help you and explain by phone how they did it!
Samantha Walsh 07947468240,or 02086591901,
Samantha Jackson 01455440646,
Lonia,07707333804 .or Lonia29@yahoo.com
are just 3 of many !
The section listed in one of the small boxes at the top of
this page, "Get your children back" tells you in easy steps exactly
how to write a convincing statement for the court using a very simple template
plus the bullet points that are applicable in your case.Please use these aids
and also all the other information on this site to give yourself the
confidence,the morale,and the fighting spirit to make sure you have the best
possible chance of success in the family courts.!As to how to tackle social
workers and the like.....Please read on and you will come to "The 8 Golden
These will show you the best way to deal not only with
social workers, but also with health
,"experts",therapists, psychologists ,psychiatrists ,
"professionals," "Mystic Meg" and in effect the complete
unholy rabble of bossy social service bureaucrats and moneyhungry charlatans !
Who are these people really?
The whole collection
of judges,lawyers ,social workers, and so called "experts" giving
evidence in secret family courts closely resembles one of those fanatical
American religious sects ! Any hapless parent that contradicts them and
declares their innocence of any wrongdoing is "in denial" !Any
suspicion a parent raises that these people are dishonest or untruthful is
taken as a sign of paranoia!Any anger or hatred exhibited by parents towards
those who have taken their children is "diagnosed" as a
"personality disorder" and "anger management courses" are
advised!Nobody can sensibly question religious extremists and fanatics and that
is how it is in the secret family courts.The words of social workers and
"experts" are always believed in preference to those of the parents.
Thousands of children and worse still new born babies are routinely removed to meet
government "adoption targets" on feeble pretexts such as "risk
of emotional abuse" In the UK this is the greatest and most shocking
scandal of out times !
Parents are routinely sent to prison if they reveal details
of how their children were confiscated and given for adoption by strangers by
"establishment judges" in centres of torture and despair known as
"the family courts".
The reason for this is always touted as the need to protect
the children's identity at all costs!Unless of course there is money to be made
by "advertising" them for adoption like pedigree dogs in magazines
and newspapers with colour photos ages and first names for easy identification
by the neighbours!!Here are some prices for those who are interested !
The following extract from a judgement in the House of Lords
confirms that alone in Europe the UK CONTINUES to allow and encourage the
barbaric practice of taking children from loving and desperate parents and
giving them to strangers for closed and secret adoptions without parental
House of Lords - Down Lisburn Health and Social Services
Trust .
Baroness Hale of Richmond.Judgement
34. There is, so far as the parties to this case
are aware, no European jurisprudence questioning the principle of freeing for
adoption, or indeed compulsory adoption generally. The United Kingdom is
unusual amongst members of the Council of Europe in permitting the total
severance of family ties without parental consent. (Professor Triseliotis
thought that only Portugal and perhaps one other European country allowed
this.) It is, of course, the most draconian interference with family life
Do PLEASE remember
the golden rules :- (By all means print this off and keep the copy near at hand
if SS approach!Show these rules to your lawyer or social worker to prove that
you KNOW your rights!)
1:- Never contact social services for help or advice
.Usually you should not report a partner who batters you or even a stranger who
sexually assaults your young child, as if you do the SS will as often as not
take your children into care(and later for adoption) to "protect
them" from risk !If they have your children and you are fighting to get
them back,NEVER NEVER tell social workers how you think you are going to defeat
them, or what you are going to do next !Remember ,without mentioning it to
"them",that even if your children are "in care" social
workers do not have the legal power to stop your children going to a call box
to phone you or even meeting you for a meal as long as they return
"home" to the fosterers afterwards!
2:- Never believe a word they say and always insist they put
their promises down in writing.Always be pleasant and polite to social
workers,and remember that they may deliberately try to provoke you into
shouting or violence that they will exaggerate in court leaving you with a
criminal record and no children!When they shout at you forget your
"pride" and look very hurt saying "why are you being like this
to me?" or"I thought you were so nice until now, please don't bully
me!" Be very respectful "tongue in cheek", but never follow
their "helpful advice" especially if they say your only chance of
getting your children back is to split from a partner, or parent you love and
respect! They will try and turn you against each other as the "divide and
rule" principle makes sure you are confused and demoralised when you lose
your case and your children too ! Quite
often they arrange deliberately awkward contact times with your children. This
can result first in the loss of your job and then as a consequence of that
,your accommodation also.Object loudly and forcefully in court to their plans
and fight hard to keep your job and your house or appartment.
3:- NEVER,NEVER,NEVER, sign any documents they present to
you,even if they say "you have to!" Social Workers rely on BLUFF.In
reality they have NO POWER and no right to threaten you or give you orders of
any kind!Only a COURT via an order from a judge can give you orders,and you
always have the opportunity to contest those orders in court either before or
after they are given to you.No matter what threats,or promises they make ,you
can be 100% sure that if you get intimidated into signing they will break their
word and expect you to keep your's! so, DO NOT SIGN !!
4:-Never, never
agree to let your children go into foster care (especially if they say it is
temporary) Never "agree" the thresholds even if you are advised that
this will ensure the return of your children,because if you do you will have
admitted neglecting or abusing your child and the only question left will be to
decide if you have really repented and are capable of "change"!
Usually the answer is no !Sometimes your own lawyer may tell you to agree the
thresholds and/or agree to an interim care order otherwise "you will never
see your children again !"That is a wicked lie designed to save the
lawyers work and to help you LOSE your children ! BEWARE !
5:-Never answer questions at case meetings , in court, or
when you are being assessed by so called
"experts,"(psychiatrists,therapists,psychologists, counsellors,professionals, and the like)
with more than 5 or 6 words (they write down anything unhelpful you may let
slip). Try indeed to answer "yes" or "no" whenever possible
. Never explain or elaborate as this only gives extra material to those who
wish to discredit you.
6:-Protect yourself against social workers barging uninvited
into your home by fitting a small chain inside your front door.This means that
if you do not unlatch the chain when you see who is calling that person would
have to push the door hard enough to break the chain which would be a
"forced entry "and a criminal offence if committed without a document
from the court such as a "recovery
order" specifically allowing entry using reasonable force .Unless they
have good reason to believe someone in the house is in danger of severe physical
harm police also would have to have a warrant before breaking the chain .
Usually they will not have one and would have to convince a judge that a
serious crime had been or was about to be
committed before one was granted.
7:-If social services request a look at your medical records
(probably to try and find something to discredit you) ALWAYS write to any
doctor or psychiatrist that has seen you as follows:-
"I respectfully request you to keep all my medical
notes strictly confidential as I intend to take legal proceedings against social services and any other
persons who might obtain my medical details without my express
8:-Never write a letter to anyone connected to Social
Services as you might include something that could damage your case in the
family court.Only accept a solicitor if he/she promises to allow you a free
hand to speak in court! You should be asked this simple question in the winess
box "Have you anything you would like to say to the court?"Without
this promise you may be "gagged" and you can lose your case without being
allowed to say a word!
And YES! They really,really do make up false evidence as
"The Times" points out.............
The Times October
19, 2006 - Blind justice without a name -Camilla Cavendish - If social workers
really are manufacturing evidence in child abuse cases, their anonymity is
assured Read article...
And YES some people are making a fortune out of the misery
of others !
The Guardian - March 28, 2007 - by Lucy Ward - Concern over
vulnerable children placed in isolating care homes - Councils are paying up to
£6,000 a week to place children with extreme and complex needs in
"one-person children's homes" without any proof that this will help
them. Read Article...
http://www.opsi.gov.uk/si/si2005/20052795.htm is a link to a comprehensive summary of the
laws governing family court proceedings and adoption in particular.
FREE LEGAL ADVICE: ian@monaco.mc
If you phone me on my mobile (LEAVE YOUR NUMBER IF THERE IS
NO REPLY) I will phone you back from my fixed line at my own expense to any
phone box or fixed line or even a mobile if neither of these are possible I
promise to talk to you as long as is needed and to give the best advice I
In October 2005 more than 200 MPs from all parties signed a
motion(EDM869) proposed by Eric Pickles MP calling for an end to the secrecy of
the family courts.
Look at this statement made in parliament by the secretary
of state for health !!
Jacqui Smith [holding answer 9 April 2003]: ..........
The Government's priority is to increase the number of
children adopted from care while not compromising the quality and stability of
adoptive placements. The most effective measure of performance is to deliver
adoptive placements that last and that are properly supported...................
Adopters want BABIES or Toddlers not older children !
authorities that do not snatch enough children to meet their "adoption
targets" get into trouble !
'Shaming' policy on adoption attacked
By Nicole Martin
THE Government's decision to highlight eight local councils
with poor adoption records was criticised yesterday.
John Hutton, the health minister, named the councils in
Barnet, Lambeth, Slough, Newham, Peterborough, Coventry, Northamptonshire and
Torbay as targets for a new adoption task force. But adoption agencies and
social services said the "naming and shaming" approach could be
detrimental to the 5,000 children waiting to be adopted in Britain.
Felicity Collier, chief executive of the British Agencies
for Adoption and Fostering, said that the policy could worsen the recruitment
shortage in social services, where a fifth of posts remain vacant. She said:
"What really concerns me is that if I was an adopter and I lived in one of
the areas that the Department of Health announces is lagging behind the pack,
adoption might look unappealing."
Moira Gibb, president elect of the Association of Directors
of Social Services, welcomed the task force but doubted the effectiveness of
identifying authorities.
Mr Hutton denied that the Government was "naming and
shaming". He said: "There is a steady rise in adoptions. But we have
to keep the momentum going. The task force will help by identifying barriers to
change and supporting those councils that need help."
The following was a parliamentary question to ask the
Secretary of State for Education and Skills what targets have been set for
local authorities by central Government regarding adoption; and when each
target was introduced.
Parmjit Dhanda
(Parliamentary Under-Secretary, Department for Education and Skills) | Hansard
The Government have set a number of targets on adoption, in
particular to increase the numbers of looked after children who are adopted
from care.
The following target was included in the Department of
Health publication "Improvement, Expansion and Reform: The Next Three
Years (Priorities and Planning Framework 2003-2006)":
"Maintain current levels of adoption placement
stability (as measured by the proportion of placements for adoption ending with
the making of an adoption order) so that quality is not compromised whilst
increasing the use of adoption as follows:
By 2004-05 increase by 40 per cent. the number of looked
after children who are adopted, and aim to exceed this by achieving, if
possible, a 50 per cent. increase by 2006, up from 2,700 in 1999-2000. All
councils will bring their practice up to the current level of the best
By 2004-05 increase to 95 per cent. the proportion of looked
after children placed for adoption within 12 months of the decision that
adoption is in the child's best interests, up from 81 per cent. in 2000-01, and
maintain this level (95 per cent.) up to 2006, by locally applying the
timescales in the National Adoption Standards, taking account of the individual
child's needs."
Already more than 20 MPs
from all parties have signed the more recent motion proposed by John
Hemming MP:(EDM 626)
EDM 626
Hemming, John MP
That this House notes that local authorities and their staff
are incentivised to ensure that children are adopted; is concerned about
increasing numbers of babies being taken into care, not for the safety of the
infant, but because they are easy to get adopted; and calls urgently for
effective scrutiny of care proceedings to stop this from happening.
Just look at this announcement by the borough of Bromley !!
Public Service
Agreement - Adoption
The London Borough of Bromley and the Government made a Local Public Service Agreement (LPSA)
for the three years, April 2002 to March 2005, to further improve services to
local people. Adoption was one of thirteen service areas to be awarded extra
funding - £93,000 over the three years - to meet or exceed the Government's
target of improving the numbers of children adopted from public care by 50%. Where
a service area is successful in meeting the agreed target the Council will
receive £0.5 million in additional funding.
What did this mean for us in Bromley?
In 2004/05 18 children needed to be adopted from care to
meet the agreed target.
To achieve these targets we had to recruit more adopters to
meet the needs of the increased numbers of children requiring adoptive
families. This was to be achieved
through additional recruitment by the Bromley Adoption Team and through
membership of the Adoption South East Consortium (consisting of five other
local authorities).
CONCLUSION:- After 17 children have
been successfully adopted in Bromley,and if your child is 18th in line to be
considered,your precious child will also be very very precious to Bromley as it
will be worth £500,000 to the borough to make sure he/she is adopted !!
Key adoption targets missed (Official government papers)
The government has missed its key targets on adoption, despite
making them a priority area for action for councils more than three years ago.
The government’s overarching target, included in the
Priorities and Planning Framework 2003-6, was to increase adoptions by 50% by
2006 from 1999 levels.
However, the latest figures show that just 3,700 children
were adopted in the year ending 31 March 2006 – a 34 per cent increase since
1999 and a 3 per cent fall on last year’s figures.
More than 60,000 children are "in care" of the
State.Thousands of these have been taken from loving parents not for anything
that has happened to them, but because "experts" said one day
something might happen.As a result,every year, thousands of children and
newborn babies have been ordered by secret family courts(no public admitted) to
be removed to avoid future risk of physical, or more often "emotional
abuse". (a vague accusation impossible to disprove).Unlike any other court
parents have to prove their innocence against accusations and worse still
predictions by "professionals" and "experts"If they fail to
do this(and usually they do fail to disprove these forecasts) they lose their
More than 700 babies and young children are taken every year from the few parents who manage to
pluck up the courage to go to court and fight ! Once there they despairingly
beg stern unbending family court judges to let them keep their own children.
The judges in the secret family courts however inevitably respond by threatening parents with prison if they
reveal to anybody details of proceedings in the secret family courts.The
identity of the children must be protected at all costs they say with an
intimidating judicial frown ! They follow up this stricture by authorising
social services to advertise the unfortunate babies and toddlers as
"adoption candidates" in magazines like "adoption UK" and
on the internet on sites such as "www.ukkids.info "like pedigree
dogs,with large colour photographs ,first names, dates of birth and character
descriptions for easy identification by "the neighbours". These
children are finally given away via "forced adoption" to anonymous
strangers for the rest of their lives.
themselves to pay for their crimes ,but in fact a parliamentary question
recently revealed that these renegade family judges reglarly send more than 200
people a year to prison in strict secrecy with no public hearing at all !.The
judges are the real criminals not the hapless and helpless parents !All this is
happening in the UK right now !! Read on for details and proof.
A typical mother who successfully challenged social services
is happy to support anyone who has had their children taken away!Just ring
Lonia(new number) at Tel:- 07707333804 or email at lonia29@yahoo.com.
Every story,every legal quotation, and every statistic on
this site has been carefully checked and verified from official government
published figures,acts of parliament,published judgements from actual cases,and
articles in reputable newspapers such as the Times or TV programmes such as
"The real story"
In 1926 the first "Adoption Act"was passed
legalising the concept of adoption in the UK,the parent's consent could be
dispensed with if those parents could not be found ,had abandoned the child,or
who were plainly mentally incapable.This dispensation happened very rarely.The
vast majority of adoptions concerned mothers who were not married and who were
persuaded by parents to give up their babies to avoid the "terrible
disgrace" that this was at the time.
In 1976 the second "Adoption Act" was passed
allowing secret family courts to order the adoption of children and even
newborn babies against the express wishes of their parents.A barbaric measure
unique in Europe that was to cause more misery to both parents and children in
the UK than any other laws passed in the last 2 or 3 hundred years !Since then
"Acts" have been passed in 1989 and 2002 that have facilitated and
speeded up this appalling forced adoption process.In the year 2000 Tony Blair
called for a 40% increase in adoption figures (supposedly to stop children
languishing in care) and targets were set for local authorities throughout the
UK. As a result of all this , record numbers of loving parents have seen their
children and especially newborn babies(the best adoption material) literally
stolen to fuel the adoption industry.
In France,Spain and other continental countries social
services only remove children from their families if there is clear evidence of
physical or sexual abuse suffered by children at the hands of other family
Remember what the
House of Lords had to say ?
The following extract from a judgement in the House of Lords
confirms that alone in Europe the UK CONTINUES to allow and encourage the
barbaric practice of taking children from loving and desperate parents and
giving them to strangers for closed and secret adoptions without parental
House of Lords - Down Lisburn Health and Social Services
Trust .
Baroness Hale of Richmond.Judgement
34. There is, so far as the parties to this case
are aware, no European jurisprudence questioning the principle of freeing for
adoption, or indeed compulsory adoption generally. The United Kingdom is
unusual amongst members of the Council of Europe in permitting the total
severance of family ties without parental consent. (Professor Triseliotis
thought that only Portugal and perhaps one other European country allowed
this.) It is, of course, the most draconian interference with family life
"Emotional abuse" as a concept is simply unknown
and so is using the threat of "risk" as an excuse to take children
from their families and give them to strangers.Compulsory adoption of children
taken from parents who are begging in court to keep them is practically unknown
in Continental Europe where this cruel and abusive UK practice is regarded as
little short of horrific!
In the UK (and also North America) the SS ask compliant
judges in SECRET family courts to authorise the (often permanent) removal of
children whom they consider to be merely "at risk" of either
"physical abuse "or that ever so vague concept " emotional
abuse"Most of our family court judges should themselves BE SENT TO PRISON
for these "crimes aganst humanity !. OUR Social Workers,like gypsies claim
to forsee the future,and based on their forecasts, often backed up by highly
paid "experts" boasting the same gift of foresight, children and even
newborn babies are brutally removed and given for adoption to strangers thus
avoiding this "risk".Parents who are naturally angry and upset when
their children have been taken are often declared to be emotionally unstable.
Such parents of course cannot defend
themselves against these expert "forecasts".Criminals are punished
for crimes they have committed,whilst UK parents (and their children) are
punished (often for life) for faults that social services believe that they
In the UK even perfect mothers are at risk of having their
babies snatched at birth.Social Services only have to find some allegedly violent incident in the past of
the baby's father and the mother loses her baby to the adoption industry even
when in many cases she knew nothing of these allegations when she fell
pregnant. More often than not, the father was never charged by the police, let
alone convicted of any offence.Hard to believe? Well this happens far more
often than you would think! It means in effect that EVERY MOTHER IN THE UK is
at risk of having their newborn baby "confiscated" by the
"SS" if the father has some episode in his past that maybe the mother
knew nothing about when the baby was conceived !
A couple I helped recently had their baby removed the same
day it was born! The distraught mother was told that she was blameless ,but
that her partner,the baby's father some years previously had been accused by
his ex wife of violence towards her in a custody dispute ! No charges were ever
brought by anyone but this unproved accusation was enough for the horrified
mother to see her baby taken by social services with a view to adoption.After
several court cases a second baby was born and threatened with the same fate so
the useless lawyers were sacked and the couple represented themselves with such
success that both babies were eventually returned to their care under a
supervision order( which is still being contested!)
Fight every step of the way and you can win! Submit and you
are doomed!
JOANNA will tell you
how she and her partner got their babies back and will advise you by telephone
:-07724056999 or by email joanna_06@blueyonder.co.uk
No wonder that social workers in "child
protection" are now perceived NOT as protectors but as childsnatchers who
break up the very families they are mandated to cosset and preserve.They are
now trained to show no pity and no remorse when they take babies at birth from
mothers that have never harmed them .Social Services are unfortunately
thoroughly obssessed by an urgent need to meet government adoption targets and
reap financial rewards.This need supercedes all traces of pity or compassion.Adoption is "big
business" and very profitable for those who do not hesitate to deal in a
murky industry where children are just a "commodity"!
"Legal aid lawyers"who often work closely with
social services are waiting,only too ready to "represent" bereft
parents and urge them to "cooperate" with the SS and all will be
well. Alas it almost never is.....
Talking of "legal aid lawyers", the vast majority
of these highly paid and highly useless parasites are widely known as
"professional losers ". They simply advise you NOT to fight the
social services and to "go along" with everything the social workers
tell you!For this easy and entirely useless legal advice they charge enormous
fees and go home laughing, ready to fleece their next victim !
Ring Pauline on 01514756007 for her opinion of her solicitor
who,faced with her determination to fight for her children, actually promised
in turn to fight too . He verbally guarranteed that he would stop care orders
from being put on her children at the appointed half day hearing."They
haven't got nearly enough"he said!What happened next?
Of course he never even turned up in court (he sent his
clerk!) .He had promised that the SS witnesses would be rigorously cross
examined in court and that witness summonses would force them to attend.In fact
they did not come. The Guardian sent a written statement and the SS barrister
himself "reported" the support worker's opinions to the judge.No
cross examination was possible but the judge believed their slanderous hearsay
rather than the mother who had testified in person on oath and who also had
produced an excellent "psychological" report on herself from the
court appointed "expert"which described her parenting skills as first
class. Pauline alas did not like or respect her social worker and for this
alone,believe it or not, she lost the last 2 of her 6 children!She has no
criminal record,no problems with alcohol or drugs,no learning difficulties,has
a university degree and an intense repugnance for social workers(personality disorder?)who in turn cannot
understand why anyone should dislike them! They were as usual vindictive
towards her because(as the judge put it) of her "inability to work with
professionals" .Her newborn baby has been taken for adoption and her 6
children split up from her and from each other.
She has wisely decided to represent herself on Appeal!She
also wishes to form a support group for parents who have had their children
"snatched"by social services so ring 01514756007 for mutual support.
Samantha had 4
children removed after she ejected a rude and nosey social worker from her
home(they said she must have a personality disorder!)She and her mother
Philomena lost 3 cases in a row and 3 children to adoption when
"represented" so when the SS threatened to take her new baby as soon
as it was born she contacted me,and I advised her to represent herself.She did
this successfully retaining her new baby and recovering her eldest child even
after the SS appealed against her first win but Samantha still beat them again
!She or her mother Philomena will advise you and tell you how they did it on
Battered women (and
sometimes men too!) are now too frightened to notify the police.Not because
they fear a partner's reprisals ,but because the police inevitably inform
social services who arrive not to help but to confiscate their children !Also
parents with mild learning difficulties, parents who let their houses get
dirty( or even merely untidy on just one occasion),parents who take their child
to the doctor or to hospital "too often", parents whose children are
too often "late for school",parents whose children suffer minor
injuries from an accident where police are either not involved or who bring no
charges whatever, and even parents whose only fault is that they dare to insult
or show disrespect to social workers , all run the risk of seeing their
children,and even their newborn babies snatched to meet the adoption targets .
As stated earlier, more than 200 MPs think the secrecy is
very wrong!
House of Commons
The Daily telegraph quotes "Often, concern for a
child's welfare can turn into a battle between parents and social workers. Whether
innocent, guilty or just struggling, parents are afraid when social services
become involved in their lives. Bill Bache, Angela Cannings's solicitor, says
parents view social services as "the Gestapo" and social workers know
it. "Our image is of trendies in sandals who snatch babies," says one
Essex child service manager"
University of Bristol research showed that at least 50% of
parents with learning difficulties have their children snatched for fostering
or adoption by social services!http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/4752887.stm Eric
Pickles M.P exposed in parliament one appalling case where the mother was
"slightly slow" and the father perfectly normal.They sucessfully
brought up one child for three years but when a second baby was born SS seized
both children for adoption on the grounds that even though they admitted that both
children were healthy,happy,and well clothed nevertheless their welfare was
paramount and they would be more likely to fulfill their potential with a more
prosperous and better educated adoptive family !
What did Felicity Collier(Former head of BAAF the official
adoption asociation) say in "The Guardian" in her very typical
"defence" of the SS in this shocking case
The Guardian article quoted Felicity Collier as follows:-
The campaign in question was a series of articles claiming that over-zealous
social workers in Essex were snatching children from families because the
parents had learning disabilities. Collier is still furious about it. "The
case of the parents who weren't bright enough had full judgments and it was
clear that there were many reasons, and that this decision was not taken
lightly," she says. "The fact is that there are people with learning
disabilities that are fine parents, but there are also those for whom looking
after their children is very difficult."
Please note that Felicity Collier never at any time gave ANY
SPECIFIC EXAMPLES of the children suffering in any way when living with their
parents.No denial that the eldest child was healthy and happy for 3 years in
their care. Just an indignant cclaim that the seizure of the children was
"justified" with no reasons why.The judgement published on the Essex
Council said exactly the same ! The judge concluded that the parents could no
longer cope but he never said why,which made it impossible for the parents to
defend themselves since nothing specific was ever alleged against them !
Essex County Council
X & Y
A & B
(by their guardian ad litem, Ms Kennet)
Mrs Justice Pauffley handed down judgment in the above case
on 8 August 2005. It related to an application by Essex County Council for
orders freeing two children for adoption, A (4 years) and B (14 months).
The judgment has been posted on HM Court Service website at
the following link:
Eric Pickles
(Brentwood & Ongar, Con) Link to this | Hansard source
BBC News January 26
2007 - Babies 'removed to meet targets - Babies are being removed from
their parents so that councils can meet adoption targets, MPs have claimed.
I REPEAT AGAIN because it is so significant that more than
20 MPs from all parties have already signed an early day motion deploring the
taking of babies from their mothers not for their welfare but simply to enable
social workers to meet their government adoption targets.
The Times December 21, 2006 - Family courts are the B-side
of the law by Camilla Cavendish - What
a strange, fumbling kind of justice system it is that condemns a woman as an
unfit mother (real name Sarah) for the heinous crime of trusting her husband.
Yet this is what seems to have happened in a recent case that I feel compelled
to write about, even though legal restrictions force me to leave out much of
the detail. http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,28009-2513335,00.html
Yes this "Times" article conclusively shows that
EVERY parent in the UK could be threatened by the "SS"! Even
completely blameless mothers are at risk from Social Services! If a mother
dares to marry (or cohabit) with a man who has no criminal record but who has
in some way "offended" social services she may have her baby snatched
away at birth and given for adoption to complete strangers ! If the mother
protests her innocence, as happened in the two cases above of Sarah and Joanna
(green para) she will simply be told
that it is her own fault for choosing the wrong father !!
How is this for court secrecy ?
Sarah,the mother in described in "the Times"
article above has taken her case to the European Court of Human Rights at
Strasbourg .She and her husband Ian have been threatened with imprisonment if
they reveal any details of the proceedings in the "secret" family
courts.This they were told was to protect the identity of the child. Meanwhile
her baby "Crystal and many other little victims have been callously
advertised for adoption by social worker hypocrites in the Daily Mirror for
around 3 million readers to view and select like pedigree dogs !(see the advert
reproduced in the "reform" section of this site).Sarah and her
husband Ian will advise other deprived mothers how to contact and apply to the
European Court if you phone them on 02084823019.
Another mother who lost all her children but has succeeded
in appealing to the court of human rights at Strasbourg is "Sharon"
who will also help you to do the same!Her number is 01512952268 or her mobile
Furthermore,if one of your children suffers what the coroner
rules as a TRAGIC ACCIDENT do not expect sympathy or comfort from social
workers,expect instead a merciless attack !! (followed by the removal of the
other children !)
Daily Mail November 23, 2006 - A DEVASTATED couple had a
child taken away by social workers as their 20-month-old son lay dying in
hospital. Tyler Black, who had fallen into the family pond 24 hours earlier,
died the day after the other youngster was removed.The coroner attributed no
blame for what he described as a tragic but not suspicious accident.The social workers however still
refused to return the surviving child to the grieving parents !!
I live and work in
Monte Carlo where I own and run a language school. I have an Oxford University
law degree but I am not a solicitor or a barrister. So. . . . Who am I really ?
and Why do I do what I do ?
I am NOT repeat NOT another "mother Teresa"and I
rarely give to charity (in case I end up paying for the director's rolls
royce!) but fighting the often brutal actions of Social Services is a cause
very close to my heart. Social Services have never hurt me, my family or anyone
close to me so I have no personal axe to grind but I HATE THE ABUSE OF POWER
and particularly the way the bullies in social services ruthlessly destroy the
very families they are supposed to protect. As a matter of principle I never charge
a fee and never accept any money whatever for any expenses.Anything a parent
tells me is strictly confidential but if parents do want me to involve the
press by way of protest I also solemnly undertake that if ever I get offered a
fee by a newspaper for introducing a family or writing about parents whose
children have been taken then I promise to give 100% of any money received to
the family concerned and keep nothing myself.I have no wish to imitate those
disgusting people who make money out of the misery of parents who have had
their children snatched by Social Services!!
I get two or three new calls from parents nearly every day
and advise each one as best I can.Forgive me if I ask you to repeat details and
phone numbers each time you telephone or contact me as with around 100 cases
going on I need reminding of the basic facts to avoid confusing one similar
case with another! I have businesses to
run so can only spare the time to fly over to the UK and go to court for
parents as a "Mckenzie friend" in the very worst cases(free of
charge) for mothers with no criminal records,drug or alcohol problems who have
had their babies snatched at birth by Social Services.This happens more often
than you would think !!I will however always find the time to give my advice by
email or telephone to ANY parent who contacts me concerning a problem they have
with the SS (social services)!
FREE LEGAL ADVICE: ian@monaco.mc
IF you ring me from a fixed phone (not a mobile) and you
give me the number I will ring you straight back at my expense ! If you have no
phone at home any public phone box will do
I have sympathy for fathers 4 justice who are so often
wrongfully denied access to their children,but it is still infinitely worse for
both parents to lose a child or newborn baby to " forced adoption"
since this nearly always means that they have no idea where the child is to go
and usually they never see that child again for the rest of their lives ! That
is why my main fight is against those wicked people who force weeping parents
in court to give up their children for adoption by strangers.
This sorry story dates back to the six years 1960-1966 when
I was a Kent County Councillor and a mother came to me for help because social
workers had taken away her son,Trevor, aged 12 of near genius IQ because he got
bored at school and played truant! She was denied all contact and when I asked
where he was and if as the mother's elected representative I could at least see
him myself I was told to mind my own business ! I found him at a special
private school owned by the deputy leader of the Labour party at the time that
was charging exhorbitant fees more than 3 times those charged at ETON or HARROW
!Young Trevor informed me that the boys were paid the sum of one shilling (5p)
when required to sleep with any of their "over affectionate" teachers
at this very "special" children's home! Eventually after acrimonious
debates in the council chamber and a court action he was returned to his mother
and I was asked to help many other parents whose children had been removed for
absurd reasons.
I applied in court for the discharge of care orders. I
called the parents and sometimes the children themselves as witnesses in court
against my own Council and I never lost a case so I was not best popular with
my colleagues and the social workers! However after 6 years of neglecting my
language school (then in Ramsgate) I decided not to stand at the next election
as I really had to earn my living and look after my family so I reluctantly
gave up the battle. . . . . for a time
In 2004 there was suddenly a lot of publicity when it was
admitted that thousands of children had been wrongly taken from mothers who had
been diagnosed with munchausen's syndrome, meaning that mothers who took their
children to hospital too often were deliberately hurting them to draw attention
to themselves ;This was one of the absurd notions of the now discredited
professor Meadows which had no scientific basis that could possibly justify
attributing the syndrome to so many unfortunate women. Worse still was his
completely unproved theory that two cot deaths in the same family were 70
million to one ! Hundreds of women were condemned for murder. Their surviving
children and babies born subsequently were taken away and given for adoption by
strangers. Only later was it realised that genetic factors made it far more
likely for cot deaths to repeat in the same family than elsewhere and odds
reduced to about 60 to 1.
These cases were in the Criminal Courts so they got fully
reported and this provoked me to write to the Daily Mail detailing some of my
experiences on Kent County Council all those years ago. They published my
letter and I was surprised subsequently to receive several requests from
mothers and parents trying to recover and in some cases just to contact
children snatched from them by social services. I am now comfortably off, my 7
children are adult, and I am in my seventies with the time, and still with the
energy to once again take up the battle with social services !
BBC Radio Five Live January 10 2007 - Matthew Bannister
Interviewing Von Coulter and Daughter Tammy, reunited after 17 years due to
forced adoption. Listen to Interview This is an EXCEPTIONAL
"eyeopener" and really worth listening to !!
Local Authorities(stars,beacon status, and financial rewards
under public service agreements .Kent for example got £21million)
Very highly paid "professionals" presume to "assess" the parenting
skills of distraught mothers who have had their children taken into
care.(around £3000 per 2-3 hour session ),"legal aid lawyers" (a case
in the family courts costs an average of £70,000 per day so total legal costs
of over £500,000 for one case are not unusual! ,)Therapists, psychiatrists ,
and counsellors who are paid around £3000 for a few hours work eagerly predict
that parents might "emotionally abuse" their children at some time in
the future. Tame medical experts somehow always side with social services
against the parents.(They also receive around £3000 for one afternoon session
plus a report)
Foster parents(up to £400per week per child plus allowances
for Xmas and holidays)Special schools charging up to £7000 per week per
child(as shown on tv channel 4, Adoption and fostering agencies charging up to
£18,000 per placement.
HERE is how Kent County Council were rewarded for hitting
and even surpassing their "ADOPTION TARGETS" (£21million!)
Extract from the Telegraph:-
Official figures show that only six per cent of the 60,000
children in care gain five or more A* to C GCSEs and more than a third are not
entered for a single GCSE.
Conviction rates for young people in care are three times
the rate for other juveniles. One in four girls leaving care is pregnant or
already a mother. A recent case which caused outrage involved a 12-year-old
living in a children's home in Blackburn who became pregnant while working as a
Dismal outcomes are the norm despite the £2.5 billion a year
spent looking after them. It costs £100,000 a year to keep a child in a
children's home, more than four times the fees at top private schools such as
Eton or Winchester.
Fostering can cost up to £30,000 a year, compared with the
£7,500 a year that state boarding schools charge parents for accommodation,
with the £5,000 cost of education covered by the local authorities.
The whole system of
Social Services,family courts,lawyers,"experts", special
schools, fostering and adoption agencies depends on one thing
alone....!Cash,lots of Cash !!
Read in the Evening Standard all about the Millionaire Baby
Social Services frequently claim children are "at
risk" of "physical "or more often "emotional" harm
from their parents,so is all this money spent putting children into care
worthwhile?Here is just one example, which I MUST repeat again because it is so
"CARE" !
Sunday Mail August 27 2006 - Care home girl abused by 25 men
in 2 years - A 14-year-old girl placed in a council children's home was
prostituted to a group of depraved middle-aged men because staff were powerless
to stop her going out. The horrific story of 'Becky' is highlighted in a BBC
programme presented by Fiona Bruce this week which reveals how she was sexually
abused by 25 men over two years - despite being known to social services and
having been placed on the Child Protection Register.
Source: Daily Mail
Published: 27th August 2006
Social Services do NOT have the power they pretend to have
over you and your children ! They rely almost entirely on threats and on BLUFF
!! If they admit they have no power to stop a 12 year old in their care from
working as a prostitute for 2 years,they certainly cannot stop children in care
from phoning their parents, meeting them, or visiting them for a meal as long
as they return to the fosterers or care home afterwards!
Research found that 42 per cent of young prostitutes had
been in care at some point
Published: 14 December 2006 By the "INDEPENDENT"
The Government's own research highlights how the care system
is not simply a negligent parent but at times probably more dangerous than the
family from which some children have been taken. A study commissioned by the
Home Office has looked at the link between hard drug use, sex work and various
vulnerability factors. The results are astonishing, if not heartbreaking.
Less than 1 per cent of the child population is looked after
by the state, but the research found that 42 per cent of young women
prostitutes interviewed had been in care at some point in their lives.
"This is an extraordinary figure, which demonstrates that looked after
children are very vulnerable to involvement in drug use and sexual abuse
through prostitution," the report concluded.
Gay foster parents abuse young boys,mother"s complaints
ignored by social services!
Surely all this shows where the real "risk" lies
Foster carer convicted of abuse and cruelty towards children
in her care
writes Mithran Samuel
Former Gloucestershire foster carer Eunice Spry was
convicted yesterday of multiple charges of abuse and cruelty towards children
in her care, all of whom she was given parental responsibility for.
Spry, who was convicted at Bristol Crown Court, carried out
the abuse over a 20-year period on three children, each of whom she either
adopted or was given a residence order for.
Council let known paedophile become foster parent
A COUNCIL allowed a paedophile to become a foster parent,
despite knowing he had been convicted of abusing a young girl, it was revealed
William Alexander and his wife, Jessie, were approved as
foster carers by Aberdeen City Council in 1993 - 14 years after he had been
found guilty of lewd and libidinous behaviour and practices with a youngster.
His conviction - and the fact the local authority knew about
it - emerged yesterday after he was convicted of abusing three young girls
during the late 1990s. Children's campaigners last night raised questions about
how Alexander was permitted to take on the role.
A jury of nine men and six women took just 40 minutes to
find Alexander guilty of five counts of lewd and libidinous behaviour and
practices at Aberdeen Sheriff Court. Sheriff Colin Harris deferred sentence
until next month and Alexander, 57, from Bridge of Don, was released on bail.
Council officials last night defended the decision to allow
Alexander to foster. A spokesman said: "Aberdeen City Council was aware of
Mr Alexander's previous conviction, but did not consider that it posed a risk
to the young person involved."
The spokesman said the couple's registration was suspended
in May 2001 after a young person made an allegation of "inappropriate
behaviour". They were formally de-registered six months later. He added:
"We are aware of the circumstances surrounding the prosecution and
conviction of Mr Alexander and have undertaken a complete review of the
circumstances surrounding his approval as a foster carer, including reviewing
the case files of all the children and young people placed in his care.
"Aberdeen City Council wishes to express its sincere
regret at the nature of the offences and the distress this has caused the young
women involved."
The trial heard that Alexander abused two 14-year-old girls
and one seven-year-old girl between 1995 and 1997.
One of the teenagers was lying in her bed when Alexander
entered her room and abused her. The court heard the girl was drunk at the
Duncan MacKenzie, prosecuting, told the jury: "She told
you in graphic detail what was done to her in the bedroom by the accused and
how she felt when that was happening.
"Drunk or not, she was fully aware of what was being
done to her and by whom."
Alexander's previous conviction was at Stonehaven Sheriff
Court in June 1979, when he was fined £80.
A spokesman for the charity Children 1st last night raised
concerns about the council's handling of the case.
He said: "I cannot think of circumstances where it
would be appropriate for someone convicted of sexual abuse against children to
become a foster carer. You would not expect someone with a conviction of that
nature to be approved as a foster carer."
The spokesman said the girls involved would need
considerable assistance to help them come to terms with their ordeal. He added:
"They will need a lot of support and care to get over this."
Outside court after the trial, Mrs Alexander bundled her
husband into a waiting car with a leather jacket draped over his head.
About a dozen of the couple's neighbours lined up outside
the court to hurl abuse at Alexander.
One of them, John MacDonald, said: "He got what he
deserved at last.
"Those poor girls he molested are scarred for
• Social workers in Aberdeen were harshly criticised in the
wake of their ineffective supervision of the paedophile Stephen Leisk, who
murdered Scott Simpson, nine, in 1997.
A report into that case found that the senior social worker
supervising Leisk let himself be conned by the sex offender.
The social worker came under fire over a series of
fundamental failings in his supervision of Leisk in the weeks leading up to the
boy's murder.
Foster father raped me!
Wednesday 24th January 2007
Source: http://www.falmouthpacket.co.uk/
Yes,it's true that hundreds of parents physically abuse
their children but it's also true that THOUSANDS of foster parents, step parents ,adoptive parents ,and yes even
social workers themselves working in children's homes do exactly the same!All
deserve to be punished when detected, but in fact most of the cases CONTESTED
by parents in the family courts concern either "emotional abuse" or
worse still "risk of future harm" the two latest "excuses" to take babies and young children
from their parents and give them to complete strangers to meet adoption
targets!As far as I know there is no recorded case where parents recovered
their children in court against opposition from social services and
subsequently abused or injured them.Surely this indicates that mothers who come
weeping into the family courts begging for the return of their children should
be given the benefit of any doubt?
Between 1994 to 2004 there were steady decreases in the
proportions of children who were aged 5 to 14 who were adopted, and a
significant increase in the proportion adopted who were aged 1 to 4. In 2004,
49 per cent of children adopted were in this age group compared with 26 per
cent in 1994, while 13 per cent of adopted children in 2004 were aged 10 to 14
compared with 23 per cent ten years earlier.
Once again I will repeat the golden rules as they are so
important ! Do please remember them all ! (By all means print this off and keep
the copy near at hand if SS approach!Show these rules to your lawyer or social
worker to show you KNOW your rights!)
1:- Never contact social services for help or advice
.Usually you should not report a partner who batters you or even a stranger who
sexually assaults your young child, as if you do the SS will as often as not
take your children into care(and later for adoption) to "protect
them" from risk !If they have your children and you are fighting to get
them back,NEVER NEVER tell social workers how you think you are going to defeat
them, or what you are going to do next !Remember ,without mentioning it to
"them",that even if your children are "in care" social
workers do not have the legal power to stop your children going to a call box
to phone you or even meeting you for a meal as long as they return
"home" to the fosterers afterwards!
2:- Never believe a word they say and always insist they put
their promises down in writing.Always be pleasant and polite to social
workers,and remember that they may deliberately try to provoke you into
shouting or violence that they will exaggerate in court leaving you with a criminal
record and no children!When they shout at you forget your "pride" and
look very hurt saying "why are you being like this to me?" or"I
thought you were so nice until now, please don't bully me!" Be very
respectful "tongue in cheek", but never follow their "helpful
advice" especially if they say your only chance of getting your children
back is to split from a partner or parent you love and respect! They will try
and turn you against each other as the "divide and rule" principle
makes sure you are confused and demoralised when you lose your case and your children too ! Quite often they
arrange deliberately awkward contact times with your children. This can result
first in the loss of your job and then as a consequence of that ,your
accommodation also.Object loudly and forcefully in court to their plans and
fight hard to keep your job and your house or flat.
3:- NEVER,NEVER,NEVER, sign any documents they present to
you,even if they say "you have to!" Social Workers rely on BLUFF.In
reality they have NO POWER and no right to threaten you or give you orders of
any kind!Only a COURT via an order from a judge can give you orders,and you
always have the opportunity to contest those orders in court either before or
after they are given to you.No matter what threats,or promises they make ,you
can be 100% sure that if you get intimidated into signing they will break their
word and expect you to keep your's! so, DO NOT SIGN !!
4:-Never, never
agree to let your children go into foster care (especially if they say it is
temporary) Never "agree" the thresholds even if you are advised that
this will ensure the return of your children,because if you do you will have
admitted neglecting or abusing your child and the only question left will be to
decide if you have really repented and are capable of "change"!
Usually the answer is no !Sometimes your own lawyer may tell you to agree the
thresholds and/or agree to an interim care order otherwise "you will never
see your children again !"That is a wicked lie designed to save the
lawyers work and to help you LOSE your children ! BEWARE !
5:-Never answer questions at case meetings , in court, or
when you are being assessed by so called
experts,(psychiatrists,therapists,psychologists, counsellors,professionals, and the like) with more than 5 or 6
words (they write down anything unhelpful you may let slip). Try indeed to
answer "yes" or "no" whenever possible . Never explain or
elaborate as this only gives extra material to those who wish to discredit you.
6:-Protect yourself against social workers barging uninvited
into your home by fitting a small chain inside your front door.This means that
if you do not unlatch the chain when you see who is calling that person would
have to push the door hard enough to break the chain which would be a
"forced entry "and a criminal offence if committed without an
document from the court such as a
"recovery order" specifically allowing entry using reasonable force
.Unless they have good reason to believe someone in the house is in danger of
severe physical harm police also would have to have a warrant before breaking
the chain . Usually they will not have one and would have to convince a judge
that a serious crime had been or was about to be committed before one was granted.
7:-If social services request a look at your medical records
(probably to try and find something to discredit you) ALWAYS write to any
doctor or psychiatrist that has seen you as follows:-
"I respectfully request you to keep all my medical
notes strictly confidential as I intend to take legal proceedings against social services and any other
persons who might obtain my medical details without my express
8:-Never write a letter to anyone connected to Social
Services as you might include something that could damage your case in the
family court.Only accept a solicitor if he/she promises to allow you a free
hand to speak in court! You should be asked this simple question in the winess
box "Have you anything you would like to say to the court?"Without
this promise you may be "gagged" and you can lose your case without
being allowed to say a word!
And YES! They really,really do make up false evidence as
"The Times" points out.............
The Times October
19, 2006 - Blind justice without a name -Camilla Cavendish - If social workers
really are manufacturing evidence in child abuse cases, their anonymity is
assured Read article...
FREE LEGAL ADVICE: ian@monaco.mc
IF you ring me from a fixed phone (not a mobile) and you
give me the number I will ring you straight back at my expense ! If you have no
phone at home any public phone box will do
This site is divided into sections each of which can be
accessed by clicking on to the appropriate box at the very top of this page
Each section can be read as a self contained unit,and for that reason
statistics,actual cases and other information will sometimes be duplicated and
repeated in more than one section.Now that you have read the
"introduction" there are 7 more sections,each one carefully
researched and verified, so if you read one section per day you will after only
one week have absorbed far more knowledge than that possessed by the average
family solicitor or just about any social worker!!
If you want a quick snapshot of what I think and what I am
trying to achieve go right now to the "REFORM" section by clicking on
to that section in the box at the top of this page.
If however you want
a lot more detail with proof of the shocking behaviour of our family courts and
social services backed up by official government statistics and other fully
sourced figures read through the STATISTICS section!
If you are desperately trying either to stop your children
being taken into foster care /adoption or to retrieve them and want advice as
to what you can do , click on to the box above labelled "GET YOUR CHILDREN
BACK" "Vital legal information "simply explained, that can win
you your case is in this section.
If on the other hand you feel like being amused as well as
thoroughly shocked by the absurd viewpoints and dictatorial attitudes of
certain social workers and their managers ,then click on to the box at the top
of this page labelled "CHILDSNATCHERS".
Maybe you cannot believe or cannot understand how social
workers whose vocation is to help people can act in this way ; then click on to
the section "WHY DO THEY DO IT ?"
If you want typical situations, and truthful examples of the
way social services actually behave and the tactics they use,then click on to
If you are prepared and willing to be thoroughly alarmed,
shocked, and angry then read how these criminals take new born babies at birth
from healthy mothers that have never harmed them ! Click on to the section
Contact me for free
legal advice and practical help by e-mail ian@monaco.mc or by phone 0033626875684.
If you phone me from a fixed line (ie not a mobile if
possible) I will ring you back at my own expense.
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Newborn Babies Taken - Typical Case Scenarios - Why Do They Do It? - Statistics
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